Promote It

It is now time to point the laser in the direction of visitors. The onus of the ‘News’ will now be on visitor awareness. And rightfully so, a Show could not work without our supporters. There is no doubt they are growing in number. Information is key to knowledge; and the growing number of independent contributors to these pages, open the range of the daily new’s appeal: For example over the next seven days, we have a solid article from Eliza Hodges. Detzi Simpson is using the ‘News’ to promote her ‘Peaceful Soul Course’, and John Richardson reveals his groundbreaking ‘Past and Present Life Regression WorkShop’. Community members will be in the spotlight, and the posts are reaching a broad and varied audience, so, even if you cannot attend a Show, you will still be in contact with the Community.

The two events: Nottingham – Trowell and Lincoln will be marketed, posters and flyers will be renewed at the present position’s, and the new banners will be placed on approaches to Lincoln Show Ground. The new banners follow Keith’s advice; no one will be able to say they cannot read the striking blue with yellow text. We have old flags which are in the turquoise – black combination; we will continue to use these alongside the replacements. The main sign at the entrance to the Epic Centre will carry the Well Being dates.

Liz and I know we have to build our visitor base. We accept we underestimated how damaged the legacy had become. We endeavour to correct this, knowing once the hurdle is overcome, there will be no looking back. I know the show will become exceptional visitor experiences: I know this as sure as the sun shines behind the clouds. The number of supporters grows because there is the acceptance that the ‘Community Ethos’ is real and alive.

The awareness of OUR work is growing. The Community is the source of this recognition. This not a game of chess, where a loser can rearrange the pieces and play again. There is no element of chance or competition involved. Liz and I see the Venues as the focal point, the Community and Visitors as the purpose and reason for our work. This LizianEvents News is centre or the hub of our success.

The infrastructure of the administration all but complete. The lists and yearly calendar are on the walls, and on the calendar are promotional ‘days out’ – You will see us on Instagram, Facebook and this Daily News as we follow the path of promotion. We will promote, promote, promote the last two shows of 2017 and we are already beginning the process of promoting the seven 2018 shows. And, as we work to build the Well Being Conference, we know there will be many who will follow our work and join as followers and Community.

I continue writing in this Daily News. The reader will see an increase in Visitor and Community contributions and this will eventually mean we change the ‘Theme’ of the ‘News’. The target is for: The Daily News to be read by 2000 per week. Videos to be watched 2000 times per month. FaceBook is healthy, and I see no reason why we should not be at 2000 likes in six months: 5000+ is our minimum target once ‘The Conference’ is part of the calendar. We have two major additions to the ‘News’ the Forum and ‘another’ application which will benefit Visitors and Community.

Video interviews are very much part of our design. The video wall now supports nine videos and Rick Paul’s video will become the tenth. Incidentally, the website is mobile optimised and fulfils all Accessibility parameters, it is lightning fast and is given an 89% rating on Google. The format and look of the site are dictated by analysis, performance and compatibility overrule ascetic considerations.

The 2018 ‘reader’ allocation will be published next week along with the 2018 calendar. Every visitor will then acknowledge the demonstration of support for our Community. Visitors will see the Well Being Events Schedule is 60% subscribed for 2018. Ask yourself why? Why is this occurring? Is it because there are many people who wish to enter into an environment where they ‘feel’ comfortable and secure? Is it because there are a clear purpose and a specific objective of building an environment where our visitors leave and comment ‘What a brilliant day! The atmosphere was electric’? We should accept this is the reality. We will achieve the objective because those who see the future, wish to become part of something which is very special.

The onus is now on a higher degree of promotion. Many miles of legwork and thousands of words to edit and write and videos to be made are signposts on the road ahead. Keep on watching and reading about the progress, Liz and I have every intention to be relentless in pursuit of making the Communities shows a rewarding experience for all involved. We thank everyone for their ‘investments’ in our work let us look forward to a bright, strong and unified future.

See You Soon


  1. Fully behind the community ethos look forward to developing evolving changing and learning over time, I look forward to helping where I can to promote this wonderful community and hopefully contribute some words of wisdom of my own,I suggest all of those who want to get on and progress do so now as you could miss the bus. There are plenty of people willing to step in for those that tire. I for one love what I do and the day that I don’t will be the time to step aside, remember to change you have to be willing to change. Love and light from Rick.

    • Hi Rick, No doubt about it, the success of the community, is the community. At last many people are accepting the idea of Community and working together for mutual success. To evolve, we have to accept change and variation as a normal part of the process. I feel we will reap the benefits of working with, not against the development of OUR ideas. You are right there are plenty of people waiting to join the Community. Although they have to read this ‘News’ and the information on the website to fully understand the Ethos. I look forward to your contribution to these pages, do it NOW as you will become part of an archive which is part of the development of the Shows. Many thanks for your insightful contribution – Ian

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