Banish Doubt by Rick Paul

In the Audience
In the Audience

Today is a firecracker of a post from Rick Paul. His article is full of inspired thought and humility. No wonder his career is making such progress. Rick is approaching his work from every possible angle. Show appearances, talks and demonstrations and writing articles are why his client list is growing and his reputation increases by the day. Well done Rick, you deserve all the success you are achieving.

Banish Doubt

My inspiration is gained from my peers. Those, who by my perception, are more learned or wiser than myself. Those who offer light and guidance in sometimes seemingly dark places. They are sturdy when others may stumble. I have enjoyed some inspirational moments recently: For example: when those close to me talk in positive and uplifting ways about my mediumistic gift and communication skills and the positive effect my guidance has had on their lives.

Life is beginning to make sense, the trials and tribulations of the past are becoming a diminished memory. I now accept the past as the past. The past has shaped me; it does not define me. I find that wherever I go, people seek my advice and desire to hear my talks and presentations. The feedback is 99 % positive; the remaining 1% suggest I waffle or talk too much, of course, they are right, this is who I am, messages are my purpose, future and happiness. The 99% verdict is I am doing something worthwhile, which will benefit my friends and clients. I’m a happy and fortunate man.

The same as all humankind, I have been through turbulent periods. Because of my experiences, I feel able to give a few pointers to finding happiness and security. The secret I share with you is this; I listen to me more often, I work hard and accept I am worthy of success. I ask you, dear readers, to admit you may have the same doubts I once harboured. Free yourself from negative thoughts and change your life. You are what you think, we know this, but understand what your thoughts and beliefs do to your existence. Your thoughts are going out into The Universe, so make them confident, powerful and enriching. Even in the low and despondent moments of your life decide never to give up and accept darkness is temporary. Look forward to the time when you’ll enjoy your successes and learn from less pleasant experiences.

It is interesting to note that there are no failures only life lessons. Self-worth, self-respect, self-confidence all start with ‘The Self’, and all you seek begins from within. Love yourself to the same degree you love and care for the people central to your life. Determine your experience with the same passion as your love for your environment, hobbies, possessions. Treat yourself with self-respect and face your demons without fear. Look at who you are with honesty and without any doubts. Focus on what you can do and not the things which are worthless or wasting lifetime. Set realistic goals and achieve them step by step. And yes, we sometimes stumble, so what? Going forward in time is the positive direction to be heading, progression is the word to fix in your mind.

A significant problem for many people seems to be dreaming life away. The: ‘I will be better when I have the possession’ or ‘it will be better when my dream comes true’. The realities of experience become the records of our lives. These records are made from the choices made in the present moment: ‘The NOW’. Whenever you find yourself needing to get to a ‘Future’ take a pause and notice ‘The Now’, and when a situation seems to stagnate, remember, the only difference between here and there is T so have a tea. As you drink it, take time to appreciate what you have today. Your family, friends, today’s efforts and toils, the difficulties you are leaning from and the mistakes you will not make again.  There is always something to be thankful for or accept as part of one’s life lesson.

During the last 18 months of my life, I have enjoyed and learned from the many readings I have given. I have spoken thousands of words guiding my clients to see different aspects of their life. A significant percentage of my clients ask for direction. The direction is found in the choices made with the options available. Remember, wishing for change is not an option. Very often the answers to issues are discovered by trusting yourself and personal preferences, following the ideas of A.N. Other may not work if the ideas are opposing your inner self. Remember, life is for living and enjoying, it should not be an ‘existence’. An individuals life will not progress and evolve without ‘The Self’s’ or ‘Inner Beings’ co-operation.

So, trust your feelings, trust your intuition and trust your abilities. Do not reflect upon or envy the skills of A.N.Other. Focus on your expertise, everything from baking a cake to keeping a home calm and happy calls for knowledge and knowledge has to be learned, and learning to do something well takes time. Our attitude is an essential part of being successful, consider a man can find friends when he smiles, cares and interacts; no one can find new friends by being unhappy and miserable! It is difficult to make changes and take a chance when we are without support.

The changes in my life are working because people see my happiness even though I’m taking chances, they support me and help me during these changes. If I were unhappy and miserable how could they support me when I am doing something which makes me unhappy? Unhappiness signifies deep-rooted problems and rather than looking for them, take a chance, look to the future, work for happiness and success today and magic will happen. Unfortunately, success can be evasive to humans who see the ‘dark’ side or the ‘dangers’ of taking a chance, are they or will they be successful? I doubt it, and I trust I am right! Banish doubt, follow your inner being, trust your choices, choose to be happy, and life will change.

When there is a problem which seemingly cannot be solved, make a change, take a chance and ask yourself what is there to lose? Whenever something does not work out accept the outcome without reflection; surely it is better to attempt a change or do something differently, rather than be fixed in a problematic or nightmare situation? And if something does not work out, remember, if our choice is made with right, kind and moral intentions, there is nothing wrong with the making or taking a chance. Consider, the only debt people owe, is to themselves. Therefore, it is essential to be the best version of yourself that you can be during each moment of life.

I pray that everybody should find peace and happiness, security and wealth. Remember, prayer, and constructive inner thought is a powerful and real energy transfer. I desire the best for everybody, and I want and expect the best for myself. I know opportunities are out there for you to embrace, take a chance, trust your inner being go out and manifest your desires through affirmative action. Thinking made man bright and actions made the ideas become a reality.

WWE wrestling is one of my interests. And there is a tagline associated with the sport; it is ‘Are you ready’. I remind everyone that ‘life is for living’. So; when there is doubt or a change is to be made ask this question. Ask yourself in the loudest of voices, ask: ‘ARE YOU READY?’ and if the inner being says ‘Yes’ then do not let yourself down, trust yourself and take action, take a chance and see where the changes take you. And if there is still a doubt, I remind you all humans are awesome and uniquely talented individuals, they only have to trust this universal truth. Know the wisdom of another truth: ‘A fantastic life starts outside of the comfort zone’.

My desire is you have enjoyed my thoughts, and I welcome comments. I consider all people as friends and so should you, life is better when we work together.

Best Wishes Rick.

Ricks Website


  1. Stunning observation of trusting the ‘self’. I can see why people are working with you and seeking your spiritual and ‘earthly’ guidence Rick. There will be someone who will read this essay and their life will change. Amazing Rick. Thank You – Janine

  2. Very inspirational Rick, wow how you have changed your mindset. Having a very supportive family has helped you immensely, the rest has been down to you congratulations you are cracking the nut X

  3. You’re a naturally witty and talented man Rick, and having met you only once, you re-inspired my beliefs in past lives, bringing a perspective that we get more than one life chance to be better and do good despite any present percieved failings. Strive onwards Rick, I believe your following a true path and hope we meet again.

    • Thank you for your reply Tom I appreciate your kind words, I am truly devoted to my “craft” and hopefully this piece illustrates that I am just me and want to help as many people as I can to get of their starting blocks. Hope to catch up with you at an event in the future, kind regards Rick.

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