The Alchemist – Part Two

Dale continues his candid insight into the beginnings of his new venture ‘The Alchemist’. The way he is leading us into the depths of the business is intriguing and should become a business manifesto. It seems to me Dale putting together a very interesting and viable business. To be allowed into the thinking behind The Alchemist is fascinating and gives confidence to customers about the ethos behind the name. As Community Members know LizianEvents is BIG on ethos.

The object of The Business

Those who read the previous article will assess I didn’t have a clear goal for the business. From the initial vague idea, the project evolved. And, as with all ideas, the more you toy and mull them over, the better the evolution.

The focus would be on helping people, but I could not see in which direction.  I have been told for years I’m a healer. Although, when you think of the word ‘healer’ there are many interpretations. Healing takes various forms anything from talking to listening and actual caring care for those who are unwell.

So how would we integrate an ability into a business venture?

I can help people heal. Maybe it is my compassion or understanding of a humans ailment, issue, problem: I cannot give the ability a name such as Reiki or Reflexology. Indeed, I questioned how could this be part of a commercial venture. And as I do not have a ‘formal’ qualification in healing practices. I drew the line through attempting to blend the two. As I thought about this; the business idea began to evolve.

The inner-self continued to suggest I should be listening to people and helping them. My conscious mind was guiding me to see the reality. Allow me to expand further. My friends know me as a deep thinker, and deep thinkers make interesting conclusions about and of specific subjects. Sometimes, during conversations, there is an urge to offer a different point of view. Not to be controversial, to expand the dimensions of the dialogue. I even have a cough which jumps in during crucial conversations or negotiations. I haven’t pinned this cough down to anything specific, although, it appears either when I’m making an important point or when I should follow another train of thought.

What has all this to do with The Alchemist?

The thought pattern applies to my business ideas too, these days most business ideas have already been thought of and become working ventures. So, when my partner Tracy and I thought about the structure of The Alchemist, we accepted two fundamental precepts.

1. One to one exposure at shows and events would be the initial contact with customers.

2. Uniqueness is of paramount importance.

I have first-hand experience of weekend shows and events over the last eight years. And I have seen the two side of being visitor and exhibitors. Of course, I reviewed, sampled most items and services available. There is no interest in duplicating these or even trying to do something in a better way. Whatever I decided to sell had to be different, but as I have already mentioned the ‘healing’ aspect of the product would have to be part of the business’s purpose.

Within time we decided on the product line 

From my viewpoint, it is essential to believe in the products to be sold. I know for sure people sense someone who is authentic. Not only do you have to understand the potentials of your product line, but you also have to use, and belief in the benefits the products offer.

I now have the name – The Alchemist
The foundational principals are decided.
A choice of high-quality products is made.

The Alchemist is ready to take the idea forward. I now combine the desire to help people stay well and healthy with a primary and high-quality range of affordable products.

They are:

Emu Oil
Black Seed Oil
Natural Honey

I will be writing in depth about the products in the next articles.

Many Thanks,

‘The Alchemist’


  1. Emu oil is a natural analgesic. Used in body massage it gets right to the pain and lasts for ages.

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