What is The Future? – It is time to look at the LizianEvents organisation. And ask the question have we attained most of the objectives set two and a half years ago? This article reviews the present and future of the organisation.

Readers could review the way this business is run. Firstly: Ian and I do not consider we own LizianEvents Ltd. We work for the company and make choices and decisions based on the best way of making the business a profitable venture. Therefore, reinvestment and securing strong business relationships as a priority. Ian and I feel this has been achieved. For example, by reinvesting heavily in promotion and media, we are beginning to reach the visibility needed to sustain growth.

We are committed to the Community aspect of the shows. Of course, there will be cynics and those who feel this is not a factual statement. There is no concern for the critics: Over the past fifty months, we evidence immense dedication to the people who choose to become part of The Community-driven shows. Those who disagree never seem able to put their concerns into our email box, so we can publicly reply to concerns and gripes. So Yes: The Community aspect of the shows is enjoying greater acceptance.

Further evidence of this can be seen in the growth in social media traffic and ‘hits’ to our dot com site. Two years ago, the numbers were nothing of note. Today, we see eight-thousand visits to LEN each month. The social media traffic is more than a combined thirty-five thousand connections monthly. With the addition of the new “Creativity Connected” show to the show portfolio: the traffic will increase: and in turn, the breath of awareness will increase.

When talking to new Community Members and Visitors, the Community aspects of the organisation is now top of the list for reasons for joining and visiting. The feedback I receive from Visitors during the shows is fantastic. Their enthusiasm for the Community is 101% at every show, and this must be the reason Visitors return and return accompanied by friends new to the Well Being Shows. Attendance to the shows is growing, and while we continue to keep the visibility at present or at an increase, we should continue to see growth.

Ian and I are adamant we will only use the four main venues for the shows. The Epic Centre – Lady Eastwood – Cedric Ford and Jubilee Conference Centre. We feel dedicated shows at superb purpose-built shows is the way forward. And no, I am not writing this is the only way, but it is the way of our organisation. We would not organise any further Well Being Shows out of our designated area for the moment. The portfolio of shows is: Six Well Being Shows. Two ‘Pure Spirit’ MBS Shows and two Creativity Connected events. This is where we will stay for at least two years. We do organise small private shows for other businesses, and this is an avenue which is to become a more significant part of the organisation in the future. It seems essential to have a board spectrum of assets to the business. Using the hub of media production and administration for all shows is key to the future of the organisation.

We see the future of the shows thriving if we continue to embellish The Community Community driven aspect. We feel the organisation will grow because we care about those who work with us, and a goal is to help the Community succeed. Allow me to expand on this idea. We continue to grow because the events are promoted between the show dates. We write articles on LEN and sometimes Community Members contribute to articles. Community, Visitors and outside contributors are beginning to use LizianEvents Facebook Group as a self-promotion platform: and in more significant numbers. Over one-hundred people are now using the Free Directory, and people are making sales from the directory, something which brings great pleasure.

As the shows grow, there is greater profit for reinvestment available. We choose to reinvest in those who work with us: those who share and promote the shows. How can we do this?

Here is an example: Read it with great care:

Last week the final Newark Well Being Show was held in the Cedric Ford Pavilion. We move the show in 2020 to The Lady Eastwood Centre. It is a bigger venue and has recently been refurbished. There is an excellent room for talks, presentations, and over a hundred Community Members. Of course, there will be some resistance, but we cannot continue to expand the size of the show at the much loved Cedric Ford Pavilion. Of course, the main point to moving is: Community Members will engage in a bigger show with more facilities, and it becomes a more significant Visitor attraction.

Because the venue enjoys a greater floor area, we can introduce more Community Members to their Visitors. And the shows will thrive if more people begin to see the advantage of Community and working together. None should doubt what is being achieved, and the possibilities are endless.

So far so good: But when the Community received the mail out regarding the new event, they discovered stand prices are lower for this event. While there is an increase in stand fees across the country, we are lowering stand fees at The Lady Eastwood. And have fixed our stand fees for the last two years and the whole of next year. The holding of prices is because we want the events to thrive and the Community benefit from the success of The Well Being Shows.

Be Careful:

It is no use listening to ‘Fantastic Show’ ‘Record Numbers’ ‘Best there is’. Because for every high acclaim and great testimonial, there will be exhibitors and Community Members who have not faired so well. (Ian and I are acutely aware of this situation) Remember, Ian, and I exhibited at shows for fifteen years. We listened to good appraisals at shows we attended and wondered if the people making the comments were at the same show! 

Indeed, this is one of the reasons we would not venture further than our show radius. To expect Community to take a chance on an unknown venue seems to be reckless. And would demonstrate our disregard for their fortunes. I’m sure we could hire a place and easily have sixty or seventy Community take change with the show. And make a healthy profit for the company. But we would also earn an unhealthy reputation as chancers. One good show does not make a year of success. And one poor show can also damage a year of hard work. Speculative shows are not for this organisation.

Ah! What about Newstead?

We recently presented a show at Newstead Abbey. It was run at a loss, and we accepted this as part of testing the feasibility of the show. This is why the table fees were kept low. Most Community Members exceeded the low cost, some did not: But none could complain we did not set clear parameters from the onset. All of us, knew the dangers involved in the Newstead show. We learned a great deal from organising this Well Being Show. Will we run another show at Newstead? Yes, in July 2020: The fundamental changes are less Community and a slight increase in stand fees. We will still run this show at break-even or small loss.

Why Not New Venues?

The situation is made difficult by the demographics of specific areas: MBS and Well Being Shows will not work in every area. We feel it is better to widen the field of promotion, not expand the net of shows. Ian and I think people will travel to shows with a high number of Community and excellent quality presentations. Hence our policy of top-class venues: fair priced stands and 365 days a year promotions.

Why the new ‘Creativity Connected Show’?

Well, I’m not giving away the essential aspects of the ‘Creativity Connected’ Shows. We have worked on this idea for the last ten months. I am talking to creative people and artists about how they would like the show to be presented and what they would like to see. The show has many unique aspects and being a new concept; there are no parameters.

While talking to the creative people who will become part of the Creative Community, all agree the concept aligns with the Well Being Shows. As already mentioned, we can utilise our extensive media knowledge to promote new events. I will announce the dates and venue early in December: There are exciting times ahead.

Liz Clark
MD LizianEvents Ltd


  1. A typically thoughtful piece.

    Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire are the Lizian heartlands, focussing on that makes sense. It comes with advantages, and disadvantages. A geographically tight area which is understood means that effort and time can be concentrated to maximum effect. Equally, there comes a point when the waters have been fished, with extra effort producing less results. There is a limit to the numbers that an event anywhere will attract. Are the Newark numbers as good as it gets?

    What I like about Lizian is a preparedness to openly discuss the issues which face everyone, the answers are not obvious, solutions not instant.

    We live in an age where Thomas Cook, an institution for almost two centuries, has collapsed. John Lewis is having to close stores. Both reflect a shifting market place.
    Lizian, overtly, and transparently, are having a go a responding to a shifting market place. I have written before about how I see things, subsequent events have consolidated, not changed my views. I would like to see more people committing their thoughts to Lizian’s posts.

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