Liz Clark – Sunday Thoughts – Earlier in the year, I hinted at two other venues. One has presented a few hurdles although the potential is incredible and we will continue to work with the company to see the plan come to fruition.

The other venue is of great importance to our Community. A chasm in our founding principle opened when we left the Trowell venue. Remember, when the Well Being Shows began the intention was to provide new Community Members with an affordable ‘testing ground’. We also wish to allow small and evolving businesses to trade with the chance of covering overheads and even showing a profit. 

Market Rasen and Trowell venues made the concept possible. A few weeks ago Barrie John introduced me to someone who has remarkable foresight into our work. She sees our commitment to Community and the ethos of our organisation as parallel to her own.

We have worked together to produce an agreement. This means we can offer stands to Community Members based on the original concept of a fair price to enable growth and return on investment.

Having attended shows for over fifteen years, we know the pressures involved. This is why our work is 365 days a year of promotion and Visitor awareness. Ian and I know one bright day does not make a summer. Therefore, if there is any way we can help Community Members cover overheads and see a profit, we will do so. 

My message to new Community Members is: “You become Community Driven by reading the articles on LizianEvents News. Contributing by sharing or writing about your work.” People who use the platform will gain recognition. If there is a real commitment to success, the realisation is to connect to Visitors between shows. And our platforms achieve this goal. 

On two occasions we have signed long-term contracts on the strength of our internet visibility. The reputation of the organisation is made by The Community and the people we deal with see our organisation as different; I’ll quote a manager of one of our venues:

“What you are doing is groundbreaking. In twenty years of managing venues, I have not met with any event business which does so much for their exhibitors.” 

My reply is to be expected:

“Not ‘exhibitors’! We work with Community Members who bond together to make the shows. In time the ethos will produce an exception chain of shows second to none.”

The new venue is extraordinary, very special indeed. It is not without its drawbacks, but the position and visibility will outstrip the suitability for a fantastic weekend show.  I will announce it next weekend. I will not be surprised if it is fully booked within a few weeks of the announcement. 

Ian thanks everyone for the support being received during his lifestyle change. He has made a difficult choice of not being proactive on his Facebook and social media streams. Many people have not received replies to private messages and emails. He is sure all will understand the need for dedication to the objective. The focus is now on further success of The Inspirational Well Being Shows. His commitment to media and online promotion is increasing and will in the long term benefit The Community.

I also take the opportunity to thank Jon Sharp for his continuing support of The Inspirational Well Being Shows. His contribution is invaluable, and my gratitude for his gift must be publicly acknowledged.

Next Sunday’s article is written. It will reveal the new venue and the Show’s format. I’m looking forward to this next step in our evolution. The guess is both Visitors and Community will love the news.

Happy Easter to you all.

See You Soon


Liz Clark
MD LizianEvents Ltd 


  1. Wondering where that magic place is! I can’t wait for your revelation! Sounds good… Bound to be since you chose it. Am watching this space!

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