With only one day to go before the Lincolnshire Well Being Show, it is vital to remind Visitors of the bedrock of principles which will take The Well Being Shows into the future.

LizianEvents Ltd is a business name which represents a Community based organisation focussed on lifestyle shows and events. In the coming months, we will expand the genre of the shows we organise. The Well Being Events are core to our business platform. We are now working with specialists in other related fields to bring well organised and fully interactive events to a growing number of Visitors.

Liz Clark and Ian Timothy run the business. We are employed by LizianEvents Ltd and do not consider the company as our property. This policy enables us to run the business with the most transparent possible purpose and vision. It is a guiding principle which enforces the decisions and choice we make are ones which prioritise the future of the business, not personal requirements.

Liz Clark administers the paperwork and organises Community Lists, show layouts and daily running of the organisation. Liz enjoys every moment of this vital facet of the business. As The Community grows in numbers, the need for exceptional administration is paramount to the success of the company. Twelve months have passed since the first Lincoln Well Being Show, and Liz has demonstrated excellence in ability during this time.

Ian Timothy focuses on every aspect of media: website: LizianEvents News: video and audio production. As the organisation grows, media becomes vital to providing information about the different events and shows available to Visitors. During 2019 Community Members will have available audio recording facilities and the creation of online courses.

Visitors are connected to the shows 365 days a year: 

As the catalogue of shows grows: they will enjoy a lively, fascinating and exciting platform of information at LizianEvents News (LEN). Visitors can take advantage of being connected to Community Members through LEN, and by searching the platform they can read the Community member Profiles: not only do the profiles hold information about each member, but the profile also contains all direct contact details.

LEN has many assets: Classified advertisement and Free Directory are two to consider. Both are open to Visitors and Community, and the listings are free. It is early days although the listings are growing each week. A LEN search is connected to the listings, so the site is fully integrated and ready for any number of searches. 


The shows and events are Community driven: As the months fly by Community members are beginning to realise the potential of our groundbreaking concept of Community-based shows. The first show at Lincoln attracted around 500 Visitors, and it seems the enthusiasm for The Communities Well Being Shows is growing. We cannot predict the numbers attending the shows as Visitors discover us through social media streams. Community Members share the information about the shows and ask their friends to reciprocate. The more they become interactive, the better the number who attend.

The word COMMUNITY instils feelings of unison and camaraderie. Indeed the shows are focussed on unison, camaraderie and friendship. More people see the benefits of working together to connect with new people and Visitors. Liz and I focus our attention on the internet, social platforms and overall awareness of the shows and concentrate on building numbers in the LizianEvents Group – FaceBook – Twitter – Instagram social media platforms. If you are a Visitor to the shows follow us and learn about our work and objectives.

The Community benefits from Visitors involvement and contribution: for example: if you share this page you help The Community succeed. We all accept the power of working together to help people succeed and prosper: Never underestimate the difference your ‘share’ or ‘kind comment’ will make to those who work diligently to fulfil their objectives. One may be a dietician, another a Yoga expert, one more a life coach: Everyone involved in The Community has an intention of making everyone’s life a better experience. 

Each of us understands to grow anything of weight and substance takes time and constant effort. Whether Visitor or Community Member each time you recognise the potential of The Community – The Community grows in strength and stature. LizianEvents provides the ways for people to discover success: not only over a one weekend show, it connects Visitors to Community three-hundred and sixty-five days a year. 

If you feel you can contribute to the success of The Community: feel you could become part of The Community: know someone who would benefit from becoming a Community Member: would like to write a submission to LizianEvents news: all you have to do is act.

What is LizianEvents? It is a name which represents an organisation determined to provide a daily connection between Community Members and Visitors. Behind the title is a commitment to the highest standards of ethical and moral codes. All who become involved in the structure follow these precepts.

See You Soon 

Lincolnshire Well Being Show 2 – 3 June

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