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Rick Paul’s Acceptance Speech

Well, folks, it is award season the tv, film all line up to honour their stars. I recently have been recognised by the readers of LEN for most reads of articles submitted. Some beautiful words have been written about me so with tongue in cheek style and a soupcon of seriousness I decided to write this article in the form of an acceptance speech.

It is lovely to be recognised by the management of LEN and fellow community members. It is thrilling to be known for my written work and thoughts. The word astounded is an understatement after discovering I had the first and third most read articles on the LEN website. Thinking back to the articles put me in a reflective mood, and my inner-self insisted that I show gratitude and thanks to those who contributed to my work and made all of this possible. Now it would be easy to recite a list of names, but on this occasion, I’ll speak on a deeper level.

Mr Rick Paul

I value loyalty and honesty very highly and appreciate when guidance and direction are given. I am grateful that people with proven track records have time to advise. For example, Liz and Ian designed a blueprint and laid a path for a “community” to follow: It is a design of connection, support and constant awareness. Their seeds are planted, and when we nurture a seed, it will surely grow. It is a design I support, and for me, it works

I like structure and simple instructions which are quickly followed. When I consider a new venture I do my homework and look for the pioneers and those with different ideas and objectives. I wish to be more than a reader, so to read LEN’s article about readers becoming and seeing themselves spiritual counsellors is music to my ears.

However to evolve means movement and doing the best we can: it is not essential to strive for perfection:

“We all have times when things nothing works or goals do not seem to be achievable. My advice is to take a step back: and remember, seeking perfection often leads to disappointment”.

Being the best version of you for you is however infinitely more achievable. How do we achieve this? Well, begin with hard work and persistence. The next step is to evaluate each new level on your journey and seek guidance. Liz and Ian’s ethos of “community” and “sharing is caring” are more than just paying lip service to some cliched buzzwords. I wholeheartedly believe and embody this approach whether it is sharing my work or promoting the endeavours of others. The collective result is far more important than the individual’s needs, ie The Community.

My aims and objectives are relatively simple. They are to help clients and others connect with me to get closer to becoming that “well-being.

New objectives continue to formulate in my mind, and that is still what’s next. Progression by definition is only achieved by moving forward, developing, and evolving.

Friends! Look within the community, look towards the spiritual pathway and look to those who light the way and inspire others. The following list is long and not exclusive as everybody in the community is helping me achieve my goals.

Thank You:

Philip Underwood and his amazing NLP courses. John Richardson and his Hypnotherapy course. My training and mentoring by Simon Goodfellow and Dave. The support of Barrie John who despite being very busy and a TV star always has time to guide and advise. Dale Bannister is always a man for a thoughtful debate. And while viewpoints differ we are steadfast about helping others solve problems for themselves. Heather Pedley, a font of all knowledge. I recently discussed my progress with television psychologist Darren Stanton his insight and the tips he freely gave were terrific.

There are more:

Mel Jones. Campbell and Carol Wallace. Tamra and Paul. Brigitte Rix. Shirley McAvoy. Claire Guichard and Gill Moore must be acknowledged for their hard work sharing and promoting other Community Members.

And Finally:

Michelle Durrant for her friendship and inspiration, India Jo for just being India Jo, all again community members.

In Full Flow!

I think you must sense where I’m taking this article! All mentioned are community members, no individual stars, just a collective of people who have a bigger goal in mind, and this is to share their knowledge with others and aim to lift and inspire.

My mission statement this year is:

“I desire to inspire”

On this occasion, I will take a small number of plaudits for what has been achieved. However, I ask you to accept: I promise, that out of all the training, guidance, kind words and the input from every community member who has helped me on the journey. I will do my utmost to be a brilliant reflection and representative of all of you. I believe that as a collective we are building something incredible and influential.

From the bottom of my heart: I thank every one of you that contribute to my “well-being”.

Much love and bright blessings:

Cue applause – Rick Paul.

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