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Burn Out
Burn Out

Imagine old-fashioned scales. Imagine the dishes balanced and level. This is a simple representation can be used in meditations to adjust the ‘Scales of Stress’.

If we coax the mind into happiness, look after it, encourage it to be content, magic happens. The previous article touched on the idea of slowing down time. In this article, we consider using meditation to control stress. The ‘Scales of Stress’ is a simple meditation which can have the most profound effects. We will visit the meditation toward the end of the essay. Before we do so let’s consider the different aspects of the problem.

Most of us accept stress is a contributory factor to illness. Therefore, learning to dissolve stress is a worthwhile exercise. There are many ways to deal with stress, and two avenues to explore are –

Methods which deal with the stress as it occurs.
Strengthen the inner being to the degree that stress fails to affect our lives.

Searching the internet offers many solutions which work well. However, a significant question to ask is what the most effective method of learning the different techniques is? The suggestion or answer is to use meditation to ‘prepare’ the mind to cope with stress or dissolve the stress.

Let’s return to the idea of the ‘Scales of Stress’. If we were asked to draw the scales as a representation of stress how would they look? It is probably one side of the scales would be higher than the other. During the meditation, you will be guided to adjust the scales to the point of equilibrium.

Here is a brief synopsis of the meditation. We prepare to meditate and think about one specific method of dealing with stress. At the beginning of the reflection, we consider the unbalanced scale. During the meditation, we focus on the technique and how it can be used. At the end of the meditation, the scales are aligned and balanced.

The first meditations mantra is simple ‘I do have the choice to control all situations. I can decide to deal with the situation or close the situation down’. This is a monumental stepping stone to dealing with any stressful situation and one which has the power to influence outcomes. Imagine any situation you have encountered stress and ask how the solution changes if you said ‘We will work through this or I will close it down and allow the issue to find its solution’. If people fail to compromise or work to find a solution the latter choice is made. With the issue now ‘frozen’ there is time to work on the essential factors of life.

This simple meditation has other positive aspects connected to the idea. For example, we may decide to allow a friend to sift through their issues ‘I can only help if you meet me more than halfway. If you cannot show an intention to overcome your problem I cannot help you’. Of course many will disagree with this attitude. And yet, a large percentage of worries stem from concerns about the problems which friends and family have created. We do have a responsibility to assist our fellow humans, however, there IS a cutoff point. The mantra ‘I do have the choice to control all situations. I can decide to deal with the situation or close the situation down’ is an incredible meditation. It covers many sources of stress.

The reader could try the meditation after reading the article. All we need to do is:-

Think about the mantra: ‘I do have the choice to control all situations. I can decide to deal with the situation or close the situation down’ for a few moments.

Sit in a comfortable chair there is no need to be concerned about the external environment.

Close your eyes and think of the balance one dish higher than the other.

Now allow the mantra to become the focus of attention ‘I do have the choice to control all situations. I can decide to deal with the situation or close the situation down.’

After four to five minutes considering the scales in equilibrium for around thirty seconds. Take two or three deep breaths and continue with the day.

There is no need to think about the aspects of the meditation or how it will help you to cope with stressful situations. However, the potential to make positive changes are within the meditation. When it becomes part of a meditational routine, the benefits are incredible. This writer rarely becomes stressed with any situation: and on the rare occasion when I feel an inner tension: I will close my eyes and see the symbol of the scales. I can visualise the scales being readjusted, and my inner-being understand the power of the mantra ‘I do have the choice to control all situations. I can decide to deal with the situation or close the situation down’.

Earlier I wrote: –  ‘Therefore, learning to dissolve stress is a worthwhile exercise. There are many ways to deal with stress, and two avenues to explore are –

Methods which deal with the stress as it occurs.
Strengthen the inner being to the degree that stress fails to affect our lives.’

This meditation deals with two important aspects of stress. The astute reader will ask how this meditation solves problems. The answer is it cannot solve any problem. Problems and worries require those involved to face realities and truth. There is need to compromise and embellish fairness and integrity. This is how all concerns are resolved. The difficulty is many people work solely to their agenda and bully their way into getting what is best for them. In the days when trade unions fought for the rights of the worker, their weapon was to ‘strike’. Unfortunately, this was abused, and they ruined the business which fed them. The institution called government legislated against the union and power of the strike because they realised how powerful a weapon it had become.

This power is still available to individuals, and it can utilise in the mantra ‘I do have the choice to control all situations. I can decide to deal with the situation or close the situation down’ – Consider what would happen if you had the inner strength to say ‘I have a life of happiness to enjoy. If there is no answer to this source of stress I choose to allow those who create it, live with stress’. The point is this; illness is directly related to stress. Do you need anything within your life which causes the body to become sick?

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