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Claire Hegarty – Community Profile

Claire Hegarty : LizianEvents


Claire has insisted we use her own words and without editing:
Claire Hegarty, has a BSc in Chemistry with Honours and is a Certified Trainer of NLP, Master Time Line Therapy®, Hypnosis and NLP Coaching, Certified Reiki Master, Certified in a range of levels in American Indian Shamanism and also trained in a range of techniques from Huna – Ancient Hawaiian Shamanism, has been in the field of personal development for 19 years, carrying out her unique 1-1 programmes with clients for 15 years and teaching/training others for 9 years.
Claire specialises in addictions ranging from food to drugs and especially their link to trauma and stress, also areas related to mental health and wellbeing such as stress, anxiety and depression
Claire has her own Trademarked Gastric Band Hypnosis technique – TranceBand®which she combines with a wide and unique combination of techiques to enable people to successfully lose weight long term
Because of her many years of experience and high level of skills and training she is highly sought after by her clients and students who come from all over the UK to both work and train with her
Claire also offers a range of trainings and workshops including NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner Certifications, Presentation and Confidence Boosting Course and her Spiritual Trainings “An Introduction to The Wizard’s Secrets”
Claire is passionate about being able to help as many people as possible to live the life of their dreams and also presents her own weekly radio show, The Health Inspector, where you can get weekly tips and advise on a whole range of topics related to your health and life style
You can arrange a free 1 hour telephone consultation with Claire to find out how her programmes and trainings can enable you to live the life of your dreams
Her website
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