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Questions From Gary Longdon

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As many of you have privately commented on the questions Gary asked on LizianEvents News and Our FaceBook page: I have asked and been given permission to publish his private messages to myself over the Friday evening (19:03:21). There is no editing involved and my replies are clear as possible. We will of course keep everyone aware of the outcomes of our risk assessment. However, Gary is expressing grave concerns that many people are worried about the food and presentation situation: Therefore in the interests of openness and transparency here is the messenger correspondence. Please feel free to comment and make your feelings known.

Ian Timothy

As I understand it, on 29 March: The “rule of six” will return, along with a new two-household rule.

This will allow either six people from a maximum of six separate households to meet in outdoor settings such as parks and private gardens from 29 March, or a maximum of two households, regardless of the number of people.

That means that indoor cafes/refreshments are out, but outdoor seating is in.

This means friends and family members will be able to sit down for a coffee or have a picnic in the park, something not currently allowed under lockdown.

No earlier than 12 April: The hospitality industry, including pubs and restaurants, is expected to reopen outdoors with the rule of six or new two-household rule in force.

Non-essential retail, hairdressers, barbers and nail salons, will all reopen -this facilitates the Indoor Market.

Indoors, the rule of six applies, so talks would be limited to one presenter and an audience of five.

What I do not understand is how we can have an indoor café which is not allowed under the lockdown roadmap, but have no plans for outside seating and drinks and food which is allowed.

I am 100% behind your plans to relaunch. I want us to do so successfully.


I think it is very important that you know we have had many people asking about why you are asking these questions at this stage.  There is no way we will do anything illegal.  And will fully follow the guidelines laid out by the police fire and other services who will be at the SAG meeting.   Where have you seen any information about the Newark show ground s plans for food on their site? 

We have six weeks to go.  And I would suggest you wait for the outcome of the risk assessment which is with the authority at this moment.  I am NOT prepared to go into any further dialogue on this matter until we have a clear and defined document to follow.  Many thanks for your concerns.  Ian


You are way off beam here.

As exhibitors, and visitors our only concern is the provision of food and drink, not who is providing it. It is pivotal to the success of an event.

If many people have asked why I am asking these questions ( No-one has on the thread, why would they?) it is because, once again, we are looking at investing in lizian events, as we have done for several years, and did for the last event. The numbers who can attend a talk are critil to its success.

I have never implied that you are looking to do anything illegal. On the contrary, the Govt information I have quoted, confirms you are not. It supports you.

It was you who told me that you could not open the bar because it impeded the circulation flow.

The Lockdown roadmap is a matter of record. You are asking us to invest. I Do not think that verifying the value of that investment is unreasonable.

In your most recent blog you declare “ Openness and transparency are paramount to our future.”

I agree.

Gary and Jane

For clarification: I write of The Cedric Ford because the discussion about bars was in that building and not The Lady Eastwood Centre which as all visitors and Community Members who attended the September event will know the layout is with a separate food and server from the main hall.

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