John Richardson talks about ‘Mediumship’ by Ida Pimm. Two years ago, John successfully published ‘Mediumship’ by Ida Pimm. The book has become a yardstick of mediumistic development. As you will discover, John is convinced the book has a greater appeal than one first imagines. 

Anyone from any work of life: deliver or no: can use this as a great learning tool for everyday life. My feeling is the book will become a reference point for many people who embark on a journey of spiritual discovery. The point being there will be many at the beginning of their spiritual path who feel mediumistic ability is to success. This book offers help in the direction: However, the book also guides the reader too many other and possibly more significant spiritual concepts.

Enjoy the fifty-minute conversation:


One of John’s Previous Articles

John Richardson : LizianEvents
John Richardson

Everyone Should Write A Book – John Richardson

While sitting at my reading table at events, I listen to clients reflect on the aspects of their lives. Some of the stories are fascinating. It is incredible how people deal differently with similar situations and still attain change and closure of problems.

I think much of my work is to guide people to seeing answers or facing the reality of their circumstances. All people have within them the solution to issues; it is not taking action which presents the restriction. During my hypnosis course, students are taught how to break down a situation and reassemble it into a solution. It is like writing a book.

For my part, I begin with notes, and the notes become more notes. Although it is important the jottings are kept in sequence. Many ideas come to me during my morning walk around the village. An old friend says “hello’, and memory is stirred. You may already know most writers find inspiration from their world. Characters are formed from people they know, fictional situations derive from adaptations of real experience.

Imagine the possibility of writing about a situation which you could not find a solution. And in the fictional adaptation of the real event, there is an answer to the original thread. The potential of this exercise should not be dismissed. Why could you not extend this idea to the degree of writing a book about your life? Or what about the possibility of examining the sequence of events of a friends ‘moment’ in time.

The storyline is simple: Introduce the characters and plot. Then extend the plot into chapters. Provide the main character with a series of hurdles and foes to overcome. The conclusion satisfies the reader’s interest in the story.

Consider: when writing the story you are exercising the mind. You’ll find different ways of looking at problems. Not only this you will find yourself looking at your environment in greater detail. Why do you do this? Because readers like to enter into the ‘stage’ of the drama.

Do not think the book has to be fictional. You may be an expert at cooking or gardening. Many millions of people share the same interest. Even though thousands of books about ‘self-help’ have been written, the demand for this type of book is still massive. Do not think: ‘It’s all been done before’ because your words are different from mine. Your experience is separate to your mother’s, brother, sister and this proves your experience is different from everyone. And just because you do not have a formal qualification does not mean your book will not have meaning. You could have the magic formula of a Yorkshire Pudding or a way of making a rose’s bloom last longer.

We should accept having a life purpose is the source of happiness. Victor Frankel’s book ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’ is a book mentioned by tens of inspirational thinkers because it proves the point. If a man has a purpose, he’ll overcome any obstacle to meet the objective. If you choose to write a book, you give yourself a purpose, and your mind became active and focused on the goal.

However, the commitment must be real and constructive. To begin and give up is a damaging exercise. To write a book requires discipline and an allotted time each day. You may be interested to know I spoke to a lady who writes a weekly blog while travelling on the bus! This is an interesting comment in its self. However, the blog is read by hundreds of people every week and receives many accolades. Amanda proves Frankel’s often quoted statement: If a man has a purpose, he’ll overcome any obstacle to meet the objective.

You may have read a post I wrote on Facebook. I said you should write the book and not worry too much about the grammar or even spelling. I’d still defend this statement, although I accept tens of people will disagree. And if you listen to people in conversation, you’ll discover ALL have flaws in their words and syntax. Your mind adjusts to understand the sentiment of the conversation. The point is, do not allow a perceived inability to understand the grammar or the nuance’s of spelling to stop you writing a book. If it turns out to be a masterpiece of fiction or fact, a proofreader will sharpen its grammar and spelling at a later date.

So write the book and print a few copies. Give them to your friends. It is an exercise which costs a few pounds and will be a big tick on the bucket list. If you cannot write the thirty thousand words of a novella or the eighty of the average paperback, write a thousand words for a blog each month. After two years your blog has become a novella!

The conclusion is life is a book. We could easily reflect upon our lives and the obstacle’s encountered as a seventy-year play. Every one of us has a story to tell, and in most stories, there are solutions, joys, heartbreaks, achievements and failure.

When you write a book, you transport your thoughts to visible words. And when you reread the words, the stories take on a different perspective. Maybe you have a problem today which needs addressing. You can talk to many people about the solution. Or you can write a story about the issue and how it is overcome.

If you think about this idea, you may find you could write the most compelling novel about the most important person in your life.

Who is that person? The answer is:


John Richardson


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