Thanks for the unprecedented support and kind comments made after publishing my previous Reiki Thoughts articles. Several people have asked if I continue to attune students. The answer is no. My business and personal commitments at this time do not allow me to make the needed commitment to trainees.

Reiki Thoughts ~ Part Three

I feel sure the previous articles will have presented a clear idea of my interpretation of the presence of Universal Healing Energy. I will now consider how a practitioner becomes a conduit of energy. As already noted, my feeling is whenever the concept is considered, tuning in occurs. 

Universal Healing Energy must be considered a positive and beneficial force of healing which repairs and rebalances the flows of energy within the physical being. And also, the energy can address and rebalance discord caused by psychological stress. An essential part of the training is understanding.

My feeling is harnessing the energy is safe as a complementary technique for every ailment. Unfortunately, many articles and books about Reiki contain severely conflicting ideas. I guide all who are interested in the use of Universal Healing Energy to meditate on the process. I firmly believe the energy also contains a cypher teaching the student how to practice using the energy. And this is accessed by mediation. I introduced this idea to some of my students, and the technique revealed is almost identical.

Stage One

  1. Meditation on the universe
  2. Accept the flow of healing energy around the body
  3. Allow time for self-healing
  4. Sense the rebalancing of one’s energy
  5. Relax and be still
  6. Practice at least once a week or whenever there is a need for self-healing
  7. At some time, the student becomes ready to advance the use of Life Force Energy

Stage Two ~ Becoming a healer

  1. Meditation on the universe
  2. Accept the flow of healing energy around the body
  3. Allow time for self-healing 
  4. Sense the rebalancing of one’s body
  5. Consider the possibility of becoming a conduit of the Life Force Energy
  6. Consider the case of helping others to benefit from the energy
  7. Visualise a healing session
  8. Practice the way of healing
  9. Begin to work with those in need of healing 

Stage Three ~ become a teacher

At this stage, we consider teaching others how to harness the energy. This stage guides the student teacher to learn about all aspects of life force healing. And search for all information about Mikao Usui and other healing masters. This is a complicated process, one in which self-discipline, patience and confidence are explored to the full. Here we learn about symbolism and other vibrational healing modalities. And at some stage, the pupil becomes a teacher, and the process begins again. But the healing teacher does not teach with a firm set of rules. She is a guide, helping with suggestions and encouragement.

Many who read this will recognise the training format carried out by many schools. Although, there will be some who’ll reel at the previous suggestion of mediation and almost self-attunement. And yet, a simple search of the internet proves the idea! There are ten’s of different Reiki systems and methods of attunement available. 

The process suggested can have no adverse effect within the physical or psychological being. Note my use of ‘conflicting ideas’. The suggestion here is without a consensus. On a basic level, it seems better to follow Master Usui’s teaching that Universal Life Force can help all who accept its presence.

And if Universal Life Force energy can help a stranger who knows little of the process or has no initiation, how can the force have any ill effect? I would suggest a potential student or anyone considering a Reiki treatment should steer clear of melodrama or warning statements. The practitioner has to accept Universal Life Force of Energy surrounds everyone. The Reiki technique teaches how to become a conduit of the healing force.

I remember an instance when a great teacher lectured about healing in Lincoln. After the lecture, the whole, and I mean the entire, audience left with a feeling that something unique and beneficial had occurred to their bodies and psychological wellbeing. Ian witnessed the outcome of this man talking about the potential of healing force. So eloquent and balanced was the lecture. All present recognised something extraordinary had occurred. One lady said to Ian and me, ‘I think I have been surrounded by the force of love!’

My final observation considers why the force of healing energy and its potential is only accepted by a minority. The answer is few people can settle down to such a degree that they can fully benefit. Remember, I mentioned that flower essence, homoeopathy, aromatherapy, and colour healing are different vibrational healing modalities. Some have been used for hundreds of years, others decades. Still, the difference was that people were not surrounded by the modern world’s constant negative thoughts, actions and ways of life.

We should accept vibrational healing works on the most subtle levels. And the negative vibes that are so much part of today’s world negate the ability (for the majority) to benefit from the life force energy. An excellent practitioner can help lower the resistance to accept the subtle healing energy. One has to learn about the master healers, how they worked, and the methods used. And all can be discovered when time and patience are harnessed in the quest for learning.

I know this article will take time to digest mentally. Taking time to consider paragraphs and the implications of suggestions could find you at the beginning of a lifetime of peace and contentment.

More about self-healing next week.

Liz Clark

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