Dave Harper – Promotion Between Shows

This article is the first part of the ‘Promotion For All’ articles – From time to time, we will publish ideas about promotion for our Community Members to consider.

The work we do between shows is the way to success. Today we look at the work of Dave Harper: Simon Goodfellow Events manager. There is no disputing Simon’s gift and ability. However, Simon is the first to acknowledge David’s massive input into his success.

I spoke to Dave at the Lincoln Show and asked him about marketing and the work he does between shows. This article is accompanied by a short interview in which Dave talks about his promotional work.

If we wait for the show to provide us with visitors we are in the wrong mindset. Our promotion must be constant and without respite. David comments ‘It’s a waste of time promoting a month before the event. You have to promote your work all the time’. To ignore this statement restricts progress to the objective of success.

The interview begins with Dave talking about the 1000+ views of the LizianEvents video promotions about Simon and his workshops.


Dave also talked about ‘customer base’ – what is a customer base? It is a list of all the people you work with and interact with your business. If you do not communicate with those, who enjoy your work how will they know the events you attend? If you are making changes to your profile, let people know. Communicate and talk to your audience. Do not think people will lose interest if you communicate on a regular basis, this is far from the truth, in fact, people enjoy reading or listening to news of achievements and objectives.

Never make a statement which you cannot fulfil. And never claim to have thought of something months ago which cannot be evidenced. Clients and visitors are not fools, if a statement is made, it needs to be 100% accurate. Reputations are lost on inaccuracy and deception. It does not matter how long or how good the history, the actions and words of today, are all that matter. Everything changes over time and in this world of immediate communication, the only information people like, is today’s information.

Dave knows this very well: He keeps Simon’s website up to date and full of information. Their schedule is busier than a beehive and just as productive. From an evening show attended by 100+ guests to a whole week training seminar, every date and venue is on the website and out to the vast friends mailing list. Dave fulfils his title one hundred percent.

Before a show Simon is usually fully booked for consultations, deposits paid and appointments confirmed. This pre-show work makes Simon’s appearances at shows run smoothly and allows Dave to promote future events during a time when there is a high awareness of Simon’s work. After any event, Dave will answer all the questions which arise, follow up bookings and private consultation appointments. Dave knows that every part of his work is focussed in a way that Simon is left to work with his clients without administrative concerns. It is no surprise many clients consider Simon, a friend, he has the time to work with them on a deep empathetic level, and Dave’s work is very much the reason he can focus solely on his clients.

It is not suggested we all need a ‘Events Manager’. Simon has worked diligently for decades building his reputation. If he could not fulfil his promise, he’d have disappeared long ago. However, there is no doubting his and Dave’s abilities makes for a spectacular combination of success. A good idea is to spend a little time each day on promotion. One hour a day adds up to 365 hours a year: One hour a day? Yes, 365 hours is nine forty hour weeks. Imagine the impact of spending nine working weeks promoting your business.

The main points of to consider:-

Keep a database.
Communicate to clients.
Be accurate.
Look after administration.
Take one hour a day.

Or the alternative is to employ Dave Harper who is a brilliant promoter and ‘Events Manager’ – Thank you, Dave, for your time making this interview.

Simons Website


  1. Keep up the good work and keep posting. I love reading all about where, when and what is happening and what has happened. You and Simon are a great team!!

  2. I have been very fortunate to have been trained a mentored by Simon and I have never underestimated the impact that Dave makes “behind the scenes” they are a brilliant team and i am privileged to know them both. Excellent article Ian and from my perspective much food for thought, thank you and I will do my best to take these learning points forward.

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