Change the Relationship with Yourself and Change Your Life!

We are privileged to have permission from Clare Harvey to reprint some of her amazing articles on flower essences. Clare G Harvey is an internationally recognized authority on Flower Essences and has been a Flower Essence Consultant for over twenty years. We have four more article to publish and you are assured they will make fascinating reading.

Change the Relationship with Yourself and Change Your Life!

by Clare G Harvey 

We have all come to point in our lives when whatever we do, however we try to change it up, we repeatedly find ourselves at the self-same point, or situation in our lives, even if we change locations, partners, jobs and circumstances, take up spiritual practices, yet we still feel the same. It’s then we start asking the question – what more can I do that I already haven’t done?

It seems that unless we have fundamentally changed the most intimate relationship we could possibly have, that unique and most the important one in our lives, the relationship with ourselves, nothing is going to effect a change.

It may be obvious but it’s probably one of the most challenging relationships to relate to. It takes honesty, self-responsibility and the awareness that we create our own reality by the thoughts and belief structures we have either consciously or unconscious taken on board as our own. It’s these very thoughts and mind structures that shape our lives for either positive or negative. So all this begs the question – what would happen and how would our lives be different if we could influence, and clear toxic thoughts about ourselves and who we are so we could live our lives in a completely different way.

Taken in combination flower essences can be extremely supportive in this process, and practical in their solution. Here are some workable suggestions:

Princess Gum, Wattle and Parakette

Relate-well Combination

Is for unhealthy relationship patterns, especially with ourselves and encourages heartfelt and direct communication and self-honesty.
Promotes: Direct communication, breaks unhealthy patterns, dissolving fears associated with speaking truth within relationships, and helps maintain integrity in all interactions;
Indicated for: Relationship issues, resolves emotional hurt and pain, negative patterns, lack of communication, or feeling isolated in a relationship as well as within oneself;
Contains: Pink Mulla Mulla, Boab, Flannel Flower, Kangaroo Paw, Mountain Devil, Flannel Flower, Green spider Orchid, Dagger Hakea  & Rough Bluebell.

With the process of re-calibrating our relationship with ourselves it very useful to have a combination that helps to clear the negative mind speak that invariably come up when routing out feelings of inadequacy, self-dislike, criticism, avoidance, anger, frustration etc.

Detox Combination

Bearing in mind that toxic thoughts can create a toxic body, this essence is not only has been useful in clearing the body but the body/ mind connection & emotions of toxicity & sluggishness

Promotes: Cleansing the system, clearing mental overload and emotional toxicity, lightens the load and helpful for feeling clear and generally cleansed on all levels;
Indicated for: Feeling heavy, toxic, and sluggish in the organs of elimination: lymph, liver, circulation that may contribute to headaches and weight issues. Beneficial for toxic emotions past and present, emotional baggage and weight issue with an emotional context;
Contains: Wild Potato Bush, Bottlebrush, Dagger Hakea, Bauhinia, Bush Iris, Peach Flowered Tea Tree, and Fringed Violet.

The first two combinations are best taken together at night before bed and Positivity taken first thing in the morning to set up your day

Positivity Combination

A blend created to enhance the process of positive & abundant thinking and afford a new fresh view after negative clouds, entrenched mindsets, and perceptions about who we truly are.

Promotes: Positive and abundant thoughts, thinking outside the box, enhancing the possibility to make a change and attract self-affirming situations and abundance into one’s life;
Indicated for: Falling into the same old patterns, a negative mind set and self-sabotage which keeps one stuck in repeated unhealthy situations with others and with one’s life in general;
Contains: Boab, Turkey Bush, Christmas bell, Bauhinia, Southern Cross, Wild Potato Bush, Little flannel flower, Banksia Robur.

A course of these three tailor-made combinations taken over a period of a few months can go a long way to help move ourselves forwards to affect the creative life affirming changes in life that we had originally envisioned. So that we are enabled to live the happy and positive life we all deserve.

Further Information: Please contact : Floweressence CGH  on Tel:  019632 50750.


CONSULTATIONS with Clare G Harvey

Clare G Harvey is an internationally recognized authority on Flower Essences and has been a Flower Essence Consultant for over twenty years. A third generation healer, Clare was trained by her grandmother, herself taught by Dr Edward Bach creator of the famous Bach remedies
Clare helped her parents found Middle Piccadilly in Dorset, one of the first truly holistic residential Natural Healing Centres in the UK. She continues to give treatments at this award-winning centre known for the quality and excellence of its therapists and at the Centre for Complementary & Integrated Medicine, Upper Harley Street, London.

Clare has trained not only in healing and Flower Essences but also yoga, which she began teaching at the age of eighteen. In the following years she trained and gained expertise in seven other healing modalities including Chinese Medicine and now also teaches and lectures.


    • Clare is not only at the forefront of her work Janine. She is also incredibly generous and kind. I asked her for a submission and she immediately sent me a choice of articles. No wonder Clare is so successful – Ian

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