Hello there, I am back to share my ‘Sunday Thoughts’. As promised, I will occasionally write down my musings, and starting in August, I may return to a weekly format. Additionally, Ian has committed to writing a weekly article for LizianEvents News. Unsurprisingly, The Well Being brand has been generating much interest lately. We receive daily inquiries about our events, and if you check out the updated Staffordshire Well-Being Show list, you’ll see that this is not an exaggeration. Ian and I are confident that the Well Being Brand stays true to its original concept.

The Community List for the Lincolnshire Well-Being Show demonstrates that the primary objective is to promote well-being. We were encouraged by the high number of attendees who were seeking alternative methods for improving their health. This year, we anticipate that the Sunflower symbol of The Well Being Events will flourish and genuinely embody the principles and values of these community-led events. We knew the concept would take years to mould into a recognisable brand. And the transition from a mbs would mean encountering conflict and great personal hurt and disappointments. No doubt we lost friends to personal opinions. But substantial change can only happen by getting near the furnace of creativity.

An email received after Lincoln:

“During my visit to The Lincolnshire Well-Being Show, I talked with a friend who is a devoted community member. He had a fantastic experience, as he had a constant flow of clients and received long-term interest in his teaching and seminars. He expressed his appreciation for the event, stating that it was superb, and compared it to his significant experience at Newark. He acknowledged that he attends these events because they have a unique style, which the clients also recognise, and commended the organisers, Liz and Ian, for their determination in maintaining this format.”

As all of you will know, we encountered many setbacks. And those of you who saw the ‘whole picture’ are rewarded for your commitment to the Well Being Brand. We are unique, growing in strength and visitor awareness. I am excited about The Staffordshire Well Being Show and confident it will become the event Ian and I envisioned. Even though we are currently running the event at a loss, we are committed to its long-term success and believe it will ultimately benefit everyone involved.

Others recognise the brand’s identity:
Listen To Debbie – Steven talking to Ian at the Newark Well Being Show:

See You Very Soon

Liz Clark ~ MD LizianEvents Ltd

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