Eliza Hodge : LizianEvents : Lizian Events
I am not saying the journey was easy. We all have unexpected hurdles to overcome. I am writing that life is sometimes uncertain, and accepting the situation is one of the ways to move forward. Today the way I view life has turned around. Anyone who feels trapped on a treadmill does have alternatives. When I train people in alternative therapies, there is an understanding that the students are becoming more aware of their whole life. The healer learns to heal their own life; this is an amazing experience.
RickPaul: LizianEvents: Lizian Events
Rick has a brilliant stage presence and is building an enviable reputation for his work. His articles have been read over 9000 times here on LEN. There is no doubt in our minds Mr Rick...
Rick Paul: LizianEvents: Lizian Events
A lot of people will use December 31st as a closure point and January 1st as an opener, the line "new year new me" can often be heard being recited by the optimistic amongst us. We start with much energy and dedicate ourselves to making things work, January will see massive uptake of new ventures, car parks at gyms are full, diet clubs oversubscribed. Further education, courses are also often sought to prove to oneself the evolution of self. All very positive and then around the third week of January it starts to feel more like the year before.
Bright and Light: LizianEvents
Stress? - Could stress guide us in making better choices? We hear the comment: 'Make your Christmas: A stress-free Christmas' Let's face it: for many people, stress-free Christmas not an option. Christmas will be stressful, and long after...
Connections: LizianEvents:
Janine submitted this article in August: I felt it would be a perfect thought for all who will be part of the last show of the year: The Power of Connection See the light switch or socket:...
Dispute - Janine Love - I recently watched a young couple during the commute. They argued for most of the journey. She did not care if passengers listened or not. The problematic aspect was the girl...
Zen: LizianEvents


Zen - The word evokes much meaning. This essay is written not as a fixed explanation of the word; it is written as a Zen meditation.  As you read the words, try not to focus on...
Don and Carol Harradine: LizianEvents
Why Taiji and Qigong? By Carol Harradine, Instructor (Zhong Ding International Martial Arts Association) And Dr Don Harradine, Master Instructor and Education officer for the Zhong Ding International Martial Arts Association Taiji (generally known as Tai Chi) and Qigong (Pronounced...
Soul Sisters : LizianEvents : Lizian Events
Spiritual Ideas - Ego - Mental Health - There is a need to address this subject with care. People are quick to defend their beliefs. Take care when reading this article; there is no reference to...
Hello my name is Robert Glenton and I am a Service User Facilitator for Upbeat. Upbeat is a service user led social group for people with a diagnosis of personality disorder. At the group we...
Large Talk Rooms - Lady Eastwood: LizianEvents: Lizian Events
David fell from a ladder and fractured his skull. In those days patients with severe head injuries stayed in the hospital for a few days for observation. After leaving the hospital, he returned to work,...
Rick Paul : LizianEvents
Like many others, I spend time reading the daily articles on LizianEvents News. I  love getting other people's perspectives on what they see from their maps of the world what makes them tick etc. Ian...
Many Seeds of Thought : LizianEvents
Mental illness, such as depression, does not discriminate. Rich or poor, young or old, man or woman, black or white, prince or factory worker – we are ALL susceptible to some form of mental illness.  My...
Darren Stanton : LizianEvents
Following a conversation with Ian about negative thinking, he asked me if I would write an article on the subject. Before continuing it is important to point out that this article encompasses psychological ideas which...