Not According To Plan!

Most people have a day when they cannot be bothered to follow the plan. You know the feeling, eyes open, the bed is warm, and the tasks ahead are not relished. Reluctantly the quilt is thrown aside the shower and coffee sharpen the focus on the next ten hours.

The reflection in the mirror keeps better time than a clock. Last decades clothes will never fit again. Lifts and escalators are preferred to the stairs, gyms and diets are considered and become next weeks ‘must do’.

Nothing seems to flow today: people seem reluctant to listen or work in harmony. A friend calls with a sorry tale of unfairness. A checkout girl complains about the management. Facebook is an album of injured animals, and everything is Brexit’s fault.

Mid-morning, a coffee break and for some reason the memory vault door is open. Reflections on mistakes are recognised and still cause agitation. However, there is compensation, because no doubt we are wiser: this makes us wish the present attitude to life had been with us forever. It’s true: wisdom is earned with years of life lessons and kids do not have the answers.  

There are a suspicion bank accounts should be high-interest, not month to month barometers of financial health. The money wasted on cars, holidays and not so tasty meals becomes a wasp sting reminder of irresponsibility.

Ok! Maybe an exaggeration but no doubting we can recognise the story. Whenever the lights dim and the black dog howls, I think about a friend of mine, he’s a special man. He knows about real darkness: a personal loss which would finish many people in a vessel of anger: a signed and sealed death warrant illness: are two hurdles overcome and sealed in the vault of experience.

Recovering from fifteen hours of surgery, returning to health and taking his life back with smiles and laughter and clear-minded thinking. He is an example of hope to everyone who thinks they are in a difficult place. He guides people with facts and three letters – PMA – there is no escaping who he is or what he believes. PMA? Positive Mental Attitude. What is his belief? Happiness and health are there for the asking.

Whenever the day is long, and I feel like throwing in the towel. My mind reflects on this man and the lessons he teaches everyone who meets him. Here are a few to be going on with:

There is no room for fools.
Little sympathy for those who do not take advantage of life.
He is generous with his whisky.
He see’s the funny side of everything.
I have never heard him demean anyone.

That’s five, and I could add five more:

He genuinely loves people.
Anyone can talk to him about his journey.
He works six days a week in a vocation he loves.
Family and friends are his reason for living.
He laughs too much!

Who is this paragon of virtue?  – Mr Campbell Wallace

Why not come and meet him this weekend at the Nottingham – Trowell Well Being Show?  At 13:00 on Sunday Campbell is giving a talk about his illness, transplant and recovery, he’ll also talk about PMA and how YOU can discover the bright and right things in life make you happy and successful.

If you chose to buy his book “Second Chance”. You’ll discover how to survive a double lung transplant: You’ll discover how to make the very best of your journey. If you are awaiting surgery or suffering serious illness, his book will help you cope with the difficulties associated with life treating disease.

You’ll also be able to meet his lovely wife Carol, who will be selling crystals, giving talks and a workshop. Goodness; is there anything this pair cannot do?

Not only this: Visitors can meet thirty-three members of The Community at the show, and discover all have the same desire as Campbell: They wish to help you find ways to become a “Well Being”

Celebrate LifeBecome a Well Being

Nottingham – Trowell Well Being Show

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  1. The article is excellent Ian and i feel like a lot of it reflects the way I think, I have met Campbell many times now and he has a kind word for everyone. Hero is a word thrown around with ease these days but it is not very often used in its truest sense, Campbell to me is a modern day hero and a true life survivor I for one feel very privileged to have made his acquaintance.

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