Lincolnshire Show Review – July 2019 – Part Two – Talks, Presentations and Entertainment – After announcing the extensive talk schedule, there was some resistance from several Community Members. We had to take an immense chance with the breadth and extent of the program.

It soon became apparent that we could not entertain Visitors with a monotonous list of speakers. And those who were given two talks had to be of the highest quality and ability. Initially, we had a limited response from the Community, and it seemed we would not achieve the figure of sixty talks and mini-workshops. Three months before the show there were only thirty good talks on offer. As the weeks passed the realisation was the target would be attained.

While talking to Visitors, I asked for their opinion of the talk schedule. One area of questioning was to the layout of the time table. As a result of Visitor comments, we will possibly make a few adjustments. I have spoken to a few Community Members about a new way of talk presentations, and we’ll be bringing this to the shows during 2020. What is this? Wait and see!

The result of the talk and presentation aspect of the show is the positive Visitor feedback:

“The best talks I have ever attended”
“How did you put together such a varied group of people?”
“Not enough time to attend all talks”
“I’m returning tomorrow!”
“Different and interesting.”

Over the next few weeks, readers of LEN will listen to the interviews recorded at the Inspirational Well Being Show: All recordings will confirm Visitor enthusiasm for the presentations held during the Inspirational Well Being Shows.

One area of importance is the recording of individual presentations. We have nine superb recordings awaiting the editing process. Having listened to them during the filing, I know future iTune listeners will have excellent additions to the growing archive to listen too. Also, there are four substantial recordings awaiting editing and sixteen audio interviews. Finally, we have four video interviews which will entertain many viewers.

So the talks and mini-workshops were well attended and received. Now, special mentions for those who conducted the workshops and demonstrations::

Grace Bowker from The Central Wellness Studio. Her contribution to the Yoga aspect of the show was fantastic. Thank you, Grace.

Don and Carol Harradine offered Tai Chi demonstrations over the whole weekend, and the feedback from their workshops was sensational.

Stephanie King’s meditational contribution received the inevitable thanks and gratitude from tens of Visitors. All who attended her presentations well respect her unique blend of spiritual instruction.

Claudine West and Isa Moon’s contribution to the music aspect of the show must be seen as raising the atmosphere of the Well Being Show. Both musicians demonstrated world-class ability: The Visitors appreciated the quality of their work.

Rose Best’s belly dancing workshop achieved a fantastic response from those who attended the late Sunday afternoon demonstration/workshop.

Special mention must be given to the children’s activity area. The choice was made to keep the area low key and allow children, parents and carer’s to use the facility as they choose. The feedback on this facility is more than encouraging. Indeed, Liz enjoyed positive comments from full-time professional teachers praising the choice of table activities.

Again many lessons learned from this aspect of The Inspirational Well Being Shows. We will be making some changes to the talk format in 2020, and there will be substantial investments made in the recording facilities.

In Conclusion:

The expanded talk schedule was a great success. Its format and timetable worked well, although there is room for improvement on our time allowance. We will continue to record the presentations and improve on the method used for media gathering. Video production will increase over the next twelve months, and video productions will become a more significant part of inter show promotion.

Again The Community have proven they can provide Visitors with exceptional show experience. The quality and diversity of the talk schedule are second to none. If the brilliant turn out of the stalls and the talk, presentation and demonstrations aspect of the Well Being Shows are combined, we must accept The Community have succeeded in producing a show experience beyond all expectations.

We must accept The Community has established a unique and influential show format. Before leaving the show, Visitors continually took time to offer their gratitude and praise for all who made the event work so well. Not only this, Visitors stayed all day, and many converted their one-day tickets into whole weekend passes. How fantastic is this accolade?

It is heartening to see The Community’s connected attitude. More Community Members now accept the strength of unity. Realising their Community driven shows attract more visitors show after show will driev them to greater achievements. I know the Community is making headways because of the tens of complementary social media and emailed comments received.

My final words are to the Community:

Your effort and dedication produced an incredible event
 Well Done.

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