Newark Well Being Show – Doors Open

The Show is open, and Visitors are arriving. There is little to write in this article. Today will be busy for everyone involved.

Remember, Liz and I are not the event, The Community and Visitors are the Show.
At this stage, there is little more for us to do only wish The Community every success over the next fourteen hours of the actual show. It is a fantastic feeling to focus weeks of work into this weekend. Not one second was hard or complicated. Liz and I have enjoyed every moment.

Thank you to every one of The Visitors who come to meet and interact with The Community over the coming weekend. It is a testament to your faith in the idea of ‘Well Being Shows’ that you travel to The Cedric Ford Pavilion today and on Sunday.

The blend of Community Members is exciting and unique. There are many new faces and some who we believed we would not see again. The future of the Shows is in the hands of Community and Visitors. If they enjoy the experience, they will return. I think the potential is for this show to become a spectacular memory.

Our gratitude to every member of the attending Community for your investments of time and money in our organisation. Liz and I are fully aware of the choices you have made by committing to the dates of this show. We thank you all for coming along with us on this journey of evolution.

My usual sign off is ‘See You Soon’ – today it is:-

See You Over The Weekend

Show Program


  1. Fabulous Fabulous Fabulous.!! . Can’t express what a wonderful day it was today. Thank you to everyone who attended and to Lizian team for proving how special a true community is. . I will be prioritising these events over others and look forward to being a regular member of a very special world.. one very happy exhibitor xx

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