Please be aware this is a pre-publishing review of the book. I feel as many people as possible should be mindful of ‘Exploring Past Lives – 2nd Edition’. Contact Jane for preordering.

When Jane asked me to review the second edition of her book ‘Exploring Past Lives’ I wondered if she would be meet the standard of the original text. Jane sent me the download for appraisal. I opened the file and read the book in three sessions.

Jane should be complimented on keeping the book to a sensible 32 thousand words. This is where many writers of specialist subjects fail. They demonstrate a weakness of conviction, feeling the book must be the paperback standard of 90 thousand, and by filling out the book, readers become bored with the content.

There is no such concern for ‘Exploring Past Lives – 2nd Edition’. Readers will be left wanting more! Not that the information: anecdotes and references are lacking, far from it! No! Jane’s book is so good the reader will be left desiring more references to past life regression sessions.

I particularly like the choice of the ebook format: allowing Jane to place video links in the book. And this idea has great merit and expands the depth and breadth of the information put forward. Anyone with an interest in the subject will be taken on a written, audio and video past life regression extravagance when reading the book.

While on the subject of reading: Jane must be complimented on the quality of the writing style. It is clear, concise and flows with eloquence. Of particular merit is the way Jane has chosen to use easily understood words and phraseology. Too many writers demonstrate a poor understanding of readers requirements when drafting a book. Failure to write with clarity evidence poor ability. Jane’s work has no such fault; the words flow like clear mountain steam taking the reader to a pool of information.

Exploring Past Lives 2nd edition is more than a book of anecdotes: its author is brave enough to ‘explore’ if the idea is real or imagined. And Jane puts forward an excellent reason to consider a past life regression session. She has turned the book into a super reference book for those who practise past life regression. My feeling is the book could be an essential addition to every regressionists library.

While reading the book, a significant paragraph jumped out!

“Without realising it, your past lives can hold an effect or influence on your present life. It could be good, such as bringing forth in the present life a sense of calm and confidence. Or it could be negative in that you have brought forward a sense of fear or sadness that hinders your present life in some way. As we experience many challenges in each life, there could be several stored memories. Unshackling these memories from your unconscious mind can heal and help the individual to progress”.

‘Exploring Past Lives -2nd edition’ has many other paragraphs which provide equal insight about the concept. If you are interested in a past life regression or wish to explore the idea further: it makes sense to read this book. If you are considering a past life regression session with Jane: ‘Exploring Past Lives – 2nd edition’ is a great way to connect to one of the finest Past Life Regressionists anywhere in the world. I do not make this statement lightly. Jane is building an immense catalogue of sessions, knowledge, articles, and books focussed on this fascinating subject.

The book is superb, easy to read and packed from start to end with information and links. It is a brave, well written and brilliant introduction to past life regression. Of course, this does not dismiss the original ‘Exploring Past Lives’ book, which still provides substantial insight into the subject. Jane’s books are always well researched and referenced. I do not believe the one book is better than the other: both are worthy of their titles, and the content is captivating. Well done, Jane, I’m sure your books, regressions, workshops and retreats will attain the immense success you deserve.

After consideration, I choose to present the index of ‘Exploring Past Lives -2nd Edition’ it will provide insight into the book, and it’s content:

The Extraordinary Clues in our Ordinary Lives
Past Lives from Scepticism to Maybe
Past lives in Modern Times
Some Distinguish PST Lives Advocates
Past and Advanced Science
The Soul
The Akashic Records
Children’s Past Lives Memories
My Story
How Regression Works
Four Band of Consciousness
How to Tap into Past Lives
Exploring My Own Past Lives
Talents and Abilities
Soulmates and Twin Souls
Cycle of Lives
How the Body Holds Past Lives
Soul Realignment using Quantum Healing with Past Life Regression
What does a past life regression session with soul realignment involve?
Healing the mind-body & spirit through forgiveness
Case Studies
Was there life on Mars and other places?
A Selection of Ascended Masters
Archangels for Past Life Regression
Spirit Guides
Interpreting Past Lives from Meditations and Dreams
Keeping a Journal
Who to Contact
Do’s and Don’ts
15 Questions to Help You with your Past Lives
Meditation Exercises to Assist Your Regression
Meditation protection and Positive Thinking
Meditation Angelic Healing Chamber
Meditation Present Life Regression
Meditation Past Life Regression
Meditation Past Life & The Soul Realm

De-Clutter Your Mind
The Pineal Gland
Ascended Masters

Please be aware this is a pre-publishing review of the book. I feel as many people as possible should be mindful of ‘Exploring Past Lives – 2nd Edition’. Contact Jane for preordering.

Link to ☞Jane’s Website

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