As I look out of the window, I see the Willow arcing over the pond. The pond is man-made the Willow grew after, self-seeded from who knows where. It found its home next to this circle of water.

There is the feeling that this relationship is closely intertwined, much like our human relationships. The Willow is known as a great feminine and a conduit for energy from the Earth Mother.

The Willow has a direct relationship with water; the water is the healer, the life force that is essential to plants and trees. If the sustenance given by water is not available to these then their life force is depleted. This relationship is very similar to ours with air as without it we die. 

There is a special relationship between the Willow and the water, as it can sustain itself for much longer if water is not present than other plants and trees. It is said that a current is created between the Willow and the Water that draws the attention from our ancestors and the spiritual world. 

Is it by chance that this Willow has grown within my garden, I think not. There is much to learn from this association with their natural state of being. It is not the only tree or plant that has grown naturally within our boundaries. The Elderflower, the Yew, the Hawthorn, Plantain, these are just a few of the natural grown plants. 

I will say to my husband Paul ‘why is that growing there’ and yet I know instinctively that they are there for my benefit, to teach me about them, as the seasons pass what happens with them. To learn about them from books, about their uses, so much to learn but yet it is within me, it is just finding that knowledge.

We all have a journey to undertake in this merry go round of life, and to start that journey all it takes is a little faith to step off the merry go round and start moving forward, following the signs and synchronicities I ask you to trust that what you will learn about yourself will open up a new way of being that you could not have imagined, in effect you become a part of the pure love of all that is, that will give you a richness that is not in the materialistic world. 

It goes much deeper within our own minds and bodies and connecting to the natural external forces of creation and the energetic world.

Belief is Everything

Claire Guichard


Learn More about Claire:

Hello, my name is Claire.

I am a Spiritual Clairvoyant, Tarot and Ribbon Reader.
I have been reading Tarot for quite a few years now. I read intuitively, and I bought my first pack at 18 years of age…I’m not sure why though I thought they were interesting: although knew that I had to buy them!”

This short introduction guides the reader to Claire’s journey, the self-description offers the suggestion of intuition, evolution and many years of experience.

Every one of The Community is reliant upon people like Claire who share and promote the ideas, thoughts and work of The Community and The Well Being Shows. As the awareness of The Well Being Shows becomes greater, we will long back and see Claire Guichard as one of the founding leaders of The Well Being Shows.

Thank You – Claire

Our Observations About Claire:

Claire is also known for Summer Rose Tarot. And her reputation as a reader is first class, her spiritual counselling sessions are known to have clarity integrity and compassion. To further her work she has a permanent reading room in Market Rasen. ☞See Here: Incidentally, if you are considering a reading with Claire it is always helpful to pre-book an appointment.

Claire also has a shop on her website: And if you go to the website follow this link you can discover her amazing I’m beautiful worry dolls. With Christmas being close you could consider one of these powerful talismans as a present. ☞See Here:

You can very often meet Claire and enjoy an excellent Reading at the many shows she attends around the country. As already mentioned she is a well recognised and superb spiritual counsellor. One of the unique methods she uses is called Ribbon Reading. The client selects the colours and Claire makes an exciting interpretation of the clients choice. Jon enjoyed his Ribbon Reading reading and said ‘Unique and enjoyable, and I could recommend a ribbon reading to everyone. Indeed, everyone should experience a Ribbon Reading with Claire!’ And remember Jon is a harsh taskmaster when it comes to readings.

For further insight into Claire’s work, read the introduction on The Summer Rose Tarot ☞Website:

Claire is a fantastic lady who doesn’t seek the limelight or too much recognition. However, she is a consistent observer and supporter of The Community’s media. It is always heartwarming to read Clare’s supportive opinions about The Community and Shows when the storms get a little heavy. We must never underestimate the influence of the people who consistently promote our work have upon success in the future of The Well Being Shows. Thank You, Claire.

See You Soon


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