This is an interview Claire Hegarty recorded on the 3rd June with yours truly. The interview is published as it answers many questions about our history and plans for the future. Have a listen and learn some more about the LizianEvents Well Being Shows and the ethos which makes the events so enjoyable.


It was first aired on Claire’s radio show ‘The Health Inspector’ 6th June 2018.

See You Soon


  1. Ian Timothy being interviewed for a change! The boot is on the other foot… Lovely to hear the ‘why and how’ of the well-thought out creation of Lizian Events! As always, sincere and clearly worded explanations . Thank you Claire Hegarty for helping our public discover and understand facets they may not have known about. Thank you Ian ( and Liz) for your honesty and dedication. xx Brigitte

  2. I enjoyed listening to this interview Ian you come across well as Brigitte said nice to see the boot on the other foot, I would echo Ian’s sentiments and say talk to the community in regards to joining it you will be made most welcome, the guidelines and what is expected of you is clearly defined and I for one will talk loud and long about Lizian events, best regards to Claire, thanks as always for the article best wishes Rick.

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