Liz Clark’s Sunday Thoughts: 05:01:20 – Today I’m taking a break away from Nottingham. Even so, I’m reflecting upon the year ahead. The shows are looking very healthy indeed with plenty of bookings coming through. And along with our regular Community Members, we’ll be welcoming many new faces during 2020. The fresh members are good news for Visitors and the health of the Well Being Shows.

Many of you will know I’m using two words for the Newark Well Being Show in February. Grace and Space. And we have decided to keep the Community numbers to around seventy-five. The reason is I want to get a ‘feeling’ for the layout of the Lady Eastwood Centre. And I want to try a new style of the floorplan for the shows.

Lady Eastwood has space for me to try a new approach to how the tables will be set out. And sorry, I’m not giving any hints to the format. However, I’ve every confidence Visitors will like this. Community Members may take a little time to get used to the planned changes. Still, you know we want evolution, and evolution is very much part of the future of The Well Being Shows.

We’ll be announcing a new venue and date for The Pure Spirit Shows in February. While we are awaiting confirmation, I will be travelling with Barrie to review two more venues which have been suggested by readers of LEN. Barrie, Ian and I are more than pleased with the enthusiastic response to last months announcement. We foresee Pure Spirit as becoming a popular and well-attended series of events. The interest is nothing short of phenomenal.

Pure Spirit and The Well Being Shows complement each other. And of course, there will be a cross-over of Visitors attending the events will help with overall awareness of the shows. Nevertheless, Visitors and Community Members will receive a higher than usual number of mail-outs over the next three weeks. These will contain updates on the shows and information about Pure Spirit Shows.

There is little more to say other than congratulations to Simon and Dave who became married this week. By all accounts, they enjoy the most fabulous wedding, and we wish them well in their future lives.

Congratulations – Simon and Dave

Dave and Simon! : Lizian Events : Well Being : Lifestyle : Wellbeing : Lizian Events

See You Soon

Liz Clark MD
LizianEvents Ltd


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